to protect citizens from investing in fraudulent companies (blue-sky law – A state statute establishing standards for offering and selling securities, the purpose being to protect citizens from investing in fraudulent companies. BB Synonyms : Restrain, check, curb, bridle mean to hold back from or control in doing something. Restrain suggests holding back by force or persuasion from acting or from going to extremes (restrained themselves from laughingr. Check implies restraining or impeding a progress, activity, or impetus (trying to check government spendingt. Curb suggests an abrupt or drastic checking (learn to curb your appetitee. Bridle implies keeping under control by subduing or holding in (bridle an impulse to throw the book downb. Hinder, impede, obstruct, block mean to interfere with the activity or progress of. Hinder stresses causing harmful or annoying delay or interference with progress (rain hindered the climbr. Impede implies making forward progress difficult by clogging, hampering, or fettering (tight clothing that impedes movementt. Obstruct implies interfering with something in motion or in progress by the sometimes intentional placing of obstacles in the way (the view was obstructed by billboardst. Block implies complete obstruction to passage or progress (a landslide blocked the roada. Forbid, prohibit, interdict, inhibit mean to debar one from doing something or to order that something not be done. Forbid implies that the order is from one in authority and that obedience is expected (smoking is forbidden in the buildings. Prohibit suggests the issuing of laws, statutes, or regulations (prohibited the sale of liquorf. Interdict implies prohibition by civil or ecclesiastical authority usually for a given time or a declared purpose (practices interdicted by the churchp. Inhibit implies restraints or restrictions that amount to prohibitions, not only by authority but also by the exigencies of the time or situation (conditions inhibiting the growth of free tradec. WC
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